Writing is about a hell of a lot more than just writing.

When I started writing, I had a vague idea of what I was getting myself in for. Now that I’ve published, I’ve got a much clearer idea. I’ve released three books, which gives me a matter of perspective.


A writing job description (or, if only someone had told me all this earlier. . .)

Here’s all those things I’ve discovered are part of the job description for ‘writing’ but are not actually writing:

  • Editing. That’s writing, you say! Huh. To a writer, editing is not writing. Editing is the painful process required to make your writing publishable. It’s a necessary evil. It’s like Coke Zero or Diet Coke. Sure, you can pretend it’s Coke, but it’s not really. Or like Austin Power’s son, Scott. He’s quasi evil, semi-evil. The diet Coke of evil. Are you feeling me? Writers dig writing in its truest form.
  • Writing a synopsis (aka writer’s torture). Ha! you say again. That is writing. No. Sorry, it’s just not. The synopsis was conceived by some bitter, twisted, failed writer somewhere who decided that if he couldn’t write successfully for a living, he’d make all other writers suffer. Enter the synopsis. You’ve just written 80,000 – 100,000 words and now you want me to condense it to approximately 300? And sell it to you while I’m at it. It’s the stuff of writing nightmares. It might have taken you years to finish your manuscript and *poof* up it all goes in a puff of smoke because someone doesn’t like your synopsis. There’s entire courses dedicated to writing a good synopsis. Pressure? No pressure at all. None! See that writer over there rocking in the corner? She’s probably just finished writing her synopsis.


[Need help editing your book? We can help.]


  • The blurb. Also another writing task that’s writing, but not really writing. See previous point above but triple the pain factor because now the word count is down to about 150 words and it’s all about sell, sell, sell, oooh, intrigue, mystery, buy my book, buy my book! You may want to take a course on this one too.
  • Writing blog posts. Yep, what I’m doing right now. Do you realise instead of writing this blog post I could actually be writing? Do you know how much that hurts? This blog post is encroaching on my precious writing time all in the name of ‘building an author profile’ (more on that in a minute). Except of course if you’re procrastinating. Writing blog posts can be quite handy if this is the case.
  • Building an author profile. Sounds serious doesn’t it? It kind of is. Your author profile is the face you put forward to the reading world, or as us marketing types say, it’s your brand. Hang on, you say, I’m not a brand. Yep, sorry to say, the minute you became a published author, you’re a brand. So what are you going to do about it? Oh, I know:
  • Social media. Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterest, Instagram, Wattpadd, Linkedin . . . are you twitching yet? Social media is the vehicle for your author brand, so you better make sure you’re on there, but relax, you don’t have to do it all at once and be on everything. Just pick a few and stick with them, but be sure to link them to your:
  • Website. You’ll need a website. Oh, and your website will need content. Pictures are good too. Lots of pictures. And if you’re organized, regular content is the way to go. All of this is extremely important because when it comes time to release your next book you’ll have to create a:
  • Release plan. Think spreadsheets, more blog posts, review requests, giveaways, good reviews, bad reviews, so-so reviews, some more guest posts, interviews, contacting local media because you decide some PR might help with the release of your new book, engaging with readers (if you have them, hopefully you do). And all of this is probably going on when you’re supposed to be, or least want to be, writing your next WIP!



Or at least I thought that’s what I was when I started out. Now I’m more like a editor/proofreader/sales manager/marketing manager/PR manager/online content creator/social media specialist/customer service specialist . . . have I missed anything?

Oh, yeah. Writing that would be it.

Excuse me. I have to go do some writing.



This guest post was contributed by Belinda Williams. Belinda is the author of the contemporary romance series, City Love.