When I read a good novel, I identify so strongly with the main female character that I picture her as looking a lot like me—not necessarily the plump, little, old lady I am today, but the idealized version of me at the character’s age (maybe a little more voluptuous, taller, and put-together than my actual self).

If the author describes the character as she envisions her, my subconscious won’t necessarily accept it. If the character’s inner dialogue matches my thought process, she’s obviously me. I cast myself playing her part in the movie version running in my mind.

Doesn’t everybody do that?

Apparently not. Because in my critique groups, people often say to me, “Could you describe your main character so I can visualize her?” Why shouldn’t readers visualize the character any way they want to—any color, any ethnicity, any age, any socio-economic group, unless the story truly needs for the details to be spelled out?

In the olden days, authors often gave a complete description of their characters as they introduced them. The problem with that strategy is that the action stops. Nothing’s happening. You’re telling, not showing.

You don’t see that so much in contemporary fiction. Now authors are sneaky about throwing in little bits of description here and there. Charlotte sighed and ran her fingers through her curly, auburn hair. I struggle with that as a reader, especially if I see Charlotte with straight brown hair like mine. But is her hair’s texture and color important? Does it move the plot forward?

Probably not.


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I think I’d rather know more about Charlotte’s nature or motivation. Why does she make the choices she does? What is she hoping to accomplish? Who is she trying to get even with?

I see the necessity for describing a person in a nonfiction story, especially if the person isn’t a well-known celebrity. Then you want to see the person as he exists, or at least through the eyes of the author.

But in reading fiction, you want to experience the events as if they were happening to you. You want to reside within the characters. That altered state is easier to enter if the character can look just like you. Too much description breaks the spell.

Granted, this is just my opinion. Write your story true to your vision.

So, what do you think about character description? Do you think authors should describe characters’ physical appearances? Or should they leave room, if appropriate, for the readers’ imaginations to take over? Share your thoughts in the comments below.



This guest post was contributed by ARHuelsenbeck. Former elementary general music teacher ARHuelsenbeck blogs about the arts and the creative process at ARHtistic License. She is currently writing poems, picture books and short stories, a YA mystical fantasy and a Middle Grades novel. You can follow her on Twitter, and see some of her artwork, photography, and quilts on Instagram.